Jan. 29, 2025 Contact: Dawn Bryant Tidelands Health (843) 652-1636 dbryant@tidelandshealth.org News for Immediate Release: New event at Tidelands Health to give students a behind-the-scenes look at rehabilitation therapy careers Students interested in a career as a rehabilitation therapist can learn more and get a behind-the-scenes look during a new event this March. “Healing Hands: Career Pathways in Rehabilitation” will give students an opportunity to learn about in-demand career
Jan. 17, 2025 Contact: Dawn Bryant Tidelands Health (843) 652-1636 dbryant@tidelandshealth.org News for Immediate Release: Considering weight-loss surgery? Learn more during free seminar with Tidelands Health surgeon People with obesity who want to improve their quality of life can learn about proven weight-loss options during a free seminar this month. Dr. Sara Shields Tarwater, a board-certified and fellowship-trained bariatric surgeon at Tidelands Health, will share details about
Jan. 10, 2025 Contact: Dawn Bryant Tidelands Health (843) 652-1636 dbryant@tidelandshealth.org News for Immediate Release: Tidelands Health to lead health sciences hub at student career expo at Myrtle Beach Convention Center next week Tidelands Health will help thousands of eighth graders explore the range of career options in health care during a unique event in Myrtle Beach next week. The region’s largest health care provider is presenting sponsor and pathway leader of the health
Dec. 13, 2024 Contact: Dawn Bryant Tidelands Health (843) 652-1636 dbryant@tidelandshealth.org News for Immediate Release: ‘I can do this’ | Program helps cancer survivors regain strength in mind and body Maribeth Lamuraglia is known for her trademark positivity and hospitality. A longtime manager at Dagwood’s Deli and the South Carolina Hospitality Employee of the Year in 2018, Lamuraglia is used to taking care of others’ needs in the restaurant setting. That generous nature extends
Dec. 3, 2024 Contact: Dawn Bryant Tidelands Health (843) 652-1636 dbryant@tidelandshealth.org News for Immediate Release: Tidelands Health offers 7 tips for the traditional peak of flu season With the traditional peak of flu season approaching, now is the time to take proactive steps to help reduce your risk of getting sick and avoid spreading illness. Flu, the common cold, respiratory syncytial virus – or RSV -- and COVID-19 are all common this time of year, with the peak of flu season between
Contact:Jackie Broach, Public Information OfficerPhone: (843) 545-3164E-mail: jbroach@gtcounty.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Georgetown County celebrates new Kids TRACK Trail at Rocky Point Community ForestOn Nov. 13, Georgetown County Parks & Recreation, in partnership with the Kids in Parks program, officially opened a new TRACK Trail at Rocky Point Community Forest. The ribbon-cutting ceremony took place at the welcome kiosk and included a guided hike along the newly dedicated trail. This milestone is
Oct. 30, 2024Contact: Dawn BryantTidelands Health (843) 652-1636dbryant@tidelandshealth.org News for Immediate Release:Groups put the ‘fun’ in fundraising for the Tidelands Health breast care fund Golf tournaments. Luncheons. Silent auctions. Events and fundraising efforts organized by generous groups across the region during October are supporting the Tidelands Health breast care fund. To date, group events have brought in more than $25,000. Those monies, when combined with donations in support of
Oct. 29, 2024Contact: Dawn BryantTidelands Health (843) 652-1636dbryant@tidelandshealth.org News for Immediate Release:Tidelands Health IT leader shares expertise as panelist during national health care conference Tidelands Health’s successful implementation of an integrated electronic medical record this year was part of a panel discussion at a national health care conference this month. Will Johnson, the health system’s chief information officer, served as a panelist at the Becker’s Healthcare annual
Georgetown County Opens Three TRACK Trails for Kids and Families (Georgetown, SC., November 28, 2024) – On Wednesday November 13th, Georgetown County Parks & Recreation, and the Kids in Parks program will celebrate the grand opening of three new TRACK Trails in Georgetown County. The ribbon cutting ceremony will begin at Rocky Point Landing at 11:00 am, with ribbon cutting to be held at the welcome kiosk followed by a hike along the newly dedicated trail in the Rocky Point Community Forest. This new TRACK
Oct. 10, 2024Contact: Dawn BryantTidelands Health (843) 652-1636dbryant@tidelandshealth.org News for Immediate Release:High school students get behind-the-scenes look at health care careers Tidelands Health recently gave a select group of high school students a behind-the-scenes experience learning what it’s like to work in a variety of health care careers. Thirty juniors and seniors from Horry, Georgetown and Williamsburg counties earned spots in the health system’s popular Nurses are Extraordinary
Oct. 3, 2024Contact: Dawn BryantTidelands Health (843) 652-1636dbryant@tidelandshealth.org News for Immediate Release:Tips for breast self-exams from a longtime Tidelands Health breast surgeon Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women in the United States and accounts for about 30 percent of all new female cancers each year, according to the American Cancer Society. One method for early detection is regular breast self-exams. Finding any issues early gives you the best chance of successful
Oct. 1, 2024Contact: Dawn BryantTidelands Health (843) 652-1636dbryant@tidelandshealth.org News for Immediate Release:Mammograms | 4 things you should know Mammograms play a crucial role in women’s breast health. Staying up to date on your screenings is important for all women, regardless of race/ethnicity and risk of breast cancer. According to a recent study, patients who regularly have screening mammograms may have a reduced risk of breast cancer mortality. Remember these tips when planning your
Aug. 28, 2024Contact: Dawn BryantTidelands Health (843) 652-1636dbryant@tidelandshealth.org News for Immediate Release:Tidelands Health launches comprehensive weight-loss program Individuals with obesity who have struggled to lose weight and keep it off can benefit from a comprehensive program at Tidelands Health designed to help patients reach their health goals and improve quality of life. A team of experts at Tidelands Health is dedicated to working with individuals to discuss options for losing
Aug. 26, 2024 Contact: Dawn Bryant Contact: Nicole Hyman(843) 652-1636 (843) 349-7820dbryant@tidelandshealth.org nicole.hyman@hgtc.edu News for Immediate Release:Horry-Georgetown Technical College, Tidelands Health partner to open education center, significantly expand nursing programFirst students start today, new education center on hospital campus in Murrells Inlet opening this fall Tidelands Health and
Georgetown County Chamber of Commerce
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28 Wall St., Pawleys Island, SC 29585
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